Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Do Theories of Face Perception Tell Us About Object...

What do theories of face perception tell us about object perception in general? Introduction Face perception is the process by which the brain and mind understand and interpret the human face. The cognitive and neural processes in face recognition differ greatly from those observed for object recognition. Both objects and faces are generally considered to be â€Å"viewpoint-dependent† meaning that performance in recognition is better when viewed from a familiar viewpoint. However when considering Biederman’s (1987) recognition-by-components theory he found that objects can be recognised equally as easily from all viewpoints. This is due to his belief that objects are recognised from the individual basic shapes that make the whole object;†¦show more content†¦(Similar to effects noted in patients with Agnosia, to be further discussed.) However Tarr and Bà ¼lthoff (1995) found that when giving participants’ novel objects to recognise and extensive practice at viewing the objects from a specified viewpoint that performance in object recognition wa s better from familiar viewpoints than unfamiliar ones, which does not support Biedermans viewpoint invariant theory. This result demonstrates viewpoint dependent where by object recognition is slower and less accurate when viewed from different perspectives, this can be compared to the importance of the inversion effect in face recognition where by faces are less accurately recognised when viewed upside down. This also requires us to identify the importance of expertise for both object recognition and face recognition. Yin (1969) stated that individuals have a greater expertise at individuating faces. The expertise hypothesis proposes that â€Å"special† visual processing for faces is due to humans having expertise at individuating faces. Evidently humans are surrounded by faces from an early age and there is some evidence suggesting that from birth, babies have a mechanism which facilitates holistic processing of faces faster and more accurately (Nelson, 2001). So, just as recognition of snakes and dangerous animals is innately hard-wired to generate a fear response, the same hard-wired responses to faces may also be innate in order toShow MoreRelatedTransparent Pictures By Kendall Walton1444 Words   |  6 Pageswhich most of us would agree on. He states that photographs are more realistic and therefore better at representing fact than paintings and drawings could hope to do. Wa lton also states that because of this realism we can see the past through the photographs in our hands. I can agree with him on his first claim but I have to disagree with him on his second claim. Photographs are realistic because of the details they can capture. 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